The Importance of Regularly Replenishing Gut Healthy Biome

Research and conversations with our food & nutrition scientist Dr. Kamarei suggests that healthy biome is in constant battle with unhealthy bacteria and yeasts in our gut. 
We as well as our patients have had weeks and months where we have indulged in less than healthy diets. These things happen, especially in the Summer, but Doctor’s Biome helps to heal your gut one day at a time.  
Poor diet, that is, eating food that does not support gut healthy biome causes die off of the good bacteria because:
Most people eat red meat, milk or chicken that's not truly organic so they are getting some doses of antibiotics killing the good bugs (as well as the bad) and leaving Candida to overgrow. This also happens when antibiotics are used for treatments.
By using over 27 billion CFU's of bifidobacteria and lactic acid bacteria per 2oz. serving Doctor’s Biome overwhelms any contaminants with Competitive Exclusion. Competitive exclusion is based on the use of pathogen-free probitoic bacterial cultures (our 17 strains), which promote microbial competition, which reduces colonization and/or decreases the populations of pathogenic bacteria and yeasts in the gastrointestinal tract.
That's one of the main reasons each batch of Doctor's Biome tests free of any pathogenic bacteria at the laboratory.
And that's the main reasons why we need to replenish our gut biome regularly.
Dr. Howard Robins
Founder & Chief Medical Officer


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