About Us

Doctor's Biome is the creation of two lifelong friends, Rich Finkelstien (CEO) and Dr. Howard Robins. During dinner one night, Dr. Howard was describing how effective a liquid probiotic would be if it was delivered “living” from inception to ingestion, and Doctors Biome was born.
Many sleepless nights and frustrating days went into the development process, but there’s an old saying that comes to mind. “Nothing worth having comes easy”. Finally, after two years of intense testing and reworking the formula, it was almost perfect and ready for the next step.
Doctor's Biome’s Chief Science and Technology Officer, Reza Kamarei Ph.D., then worked alongside the rest of our team to develop the first Doctor's Biome Dietary Supplement. Today it's an incredible product that’s highly effective and tastes great too.
It has always been the passion and vision of our team to improve the quality of life for everyone. We want our living probiotic products to help you succeed in your wellness journey going forward.
Drink it Living... It's the only way!
"Be the Leader in Juice-Based Clinically Validated Probiotics"