1. In the Shopify Admin (backoffice) , click on the Apps link on the left side menu
2. Click the ShoutOut App (thumbs up on pink background)
3. Click Orders/Payouts on the left side menu, then click Affiliates/Influencers on the left side sub-menu
4. Fill out the form with available information. First Name, Last Name, Email and Discount Code are the only required fields to start. Pick a discount code similar to the Doctor's name or business and PLEASE end it with 24. This makes the code easier to understand for their patients
5. Click red SAVE button
6. Return to the Shopify Admin (backoffice) , click on the Apps link on the left side menu.
7. Click the ReCharge App (package encircled by arrow on blue-green background)
8. Click the top right Settings (monkey wrench icon) , select Discounts from drop down menu
9. Click Create Discount right below Settings (monkey wrench icon)
10. Fill out the discount form with:
- Discount code text
- 24 Percent Discount
- No Minimum Required
- Applies to : Selected Product, choose Doctor Referral
- Application Limits, choose All Charges
11. Click Save at bottom